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About Chicago Trifold brochure templates

Akron Trifold Brochure Paper Products
There are various promotional printing items business owners and individuals use to promote their business or educate consumers, including brochures. Among .....
If you plan to print your own custom trifold brochures you should consider taking advantage of a Trifold brochures template. You can typically get a brochure template from commercial printing services. Most are fully customizable, meaning you can adapt them to create a fully custom image with little effort.

Tips for Using Images from your Scanner
Know the image size required for your layout before you scan. Guess larger if uncertain. If the photo is larger than the layout size, simply scan at 300dpi. If the photo is smaller than the layout size, adjust your scanner settings.
Adjust the scanner resolution setting
Adjust the scan percentage size

Templates are ideal for business owners who are short on time. Think using a template is blasé? Think again. Consider most websites you visit. Did you know 90% of business owners use a website template when creating custom websites? It's true. Most websites aren't 100% original. In fact, many are crafted from custom business templates and modified to create a custom or more personal feel.

Internet Print Store Detroit
Some businesses choose to advertise their products and services in print by sending customers catalogs. If you own a small or large business and have a large inventory of products to offer .....
Q: What if I want to change something on my order after I've placed it or approved the proof?

A: Most printers can make changes up until the order is actually printing on the press. If you need to make a change, please call and send an email so they have an electronic paper trail. They will then call or email you to confirm the changes and handle any issues. If you want to submit a new file with changes, there is usually a new file processing charge.

Q: Sometimes I get more than I ordered and sometimes I get less than I ordered. Why is that?

A: Because the printing press counts each sheet, but some end up being thrown away due to quality defects. In addition, if the job is folded or finished in some other way, there is waste in that process as well. Most printers usually run extras to make up for this waste factor, but sometime they have a higher waste factor than expected, and thus you may end up with less than you ordered. Sometimes they don't have as much waste as they expect, so you end up with more than you ordered. It is impossible to count the exact amount of waste, which is why the industry has the over/underrun standards.

Q: Can you explain the difference between RGB and CMYK formats?

A: RGB refers to the primary colors of light: (Red, Green and Blue), that are used in monitors, television screens, digital cameras and scanners. CMYK refers to the primary colors of pigment: (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black). These are the inks used on the press in "4-color process printing", commonly referred to as "full color printing".

The combination of RGB light creates white, while the combination of CMYK inks creates black. Therefore, it is physically impossible for the printing press to reproduce colors exactly as we see them on our monitors.

The same is true of many brochures business owners in Chicago, Illinois use, especially tri fold brochures. Many brochures are crafted of templates. You just insert the verbiage you need and your logo where you need it. Using a template makes sense if you need to create multiple brochures that have a different or unique "look" and "feel" during the year.

You can also use templates for full color brochures and even letterhead in some cases. Just modify a few features of your template and in minutes you have a fully customized brochure to help market your products and services.

Tip: Once the customer has read your sales brochures, its time to drive home the sale. One very effective technique is to offer a special rate or discount on your product if the customer displays or mentions your sales brochures. This makes the customer feel that they are getting a special deal, and may serve to facility the initial sales contact.

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Office Printing

Brochures : Sell Sheets : Product Sheets : Tri-fold Brochures : Statement Stuffers : CD Covers
Other Brochures : Postcards : Real Estate Postcards : Mortgage Postcards : Links : Article :
General Business Postcards
: Cards : Rack Cards : Bookmarks : Notecards : Newsletters :
Stationery : Business Stationery : Business Cards : Articles : Articles 2 : Labels : Envelopes :
: Full Color Catalogs : Booklets : Copies : Design Services : Logo Design :
Brochure Design
: Stationery Design : Marketing Forum : Printing Education : Resources:

Printing Services
Copyright © 2005 Graphic Connections Group, LLC "My Print Shop Online is a division of Graphic Connections Group, LLC."
Come to us for all your business printing needs. Services include brochure printing, full color printing, commercial printing, and digital printing. We can do all types of stationery, including letterhead, envelopes, mailing labels, and business cards. Don't forget postcard printing as well. Whether it is real estate postcards, marketing post cards, announcements postcards, or any other type of business post card, or full color post card printing, we can handle it. Don't forget our line of statement stuffers, rack cards, bookmarks, notecards and CD Covers. Newsletters and even color copies. Catalogs and booklets are another specialty. Finally, we can design it all as well, including logo design, brochure design, and stationery design.