February 2, 2006

Planning an Effective Brochure

Don’t get caught in the trap of having a brochure because you think you should have one. A little planning ahead of time can make sure that your brochure isn’t just another pretty piece of junk mail.

Brochures should be used to achieve specific marketing goals, whether it is to introduce a customer to your product or service, generate interest and awareness of your company, or make the sale. Before printing a brochure you’ll need to do some planning to make sure that you are achieving your goal.

First, define your audience. Who will read your brochure? New customers and prospects? Existing customers who may want additional products? Other businesses? Each audience will require specific strategies.

Second, decide how you will deliver your brochure. Is it a mailer, or will it be handed out? Develop brochures for each type of application that you want to cover, don’t try to make the multi-purpose brochure. Having specifically designed brochures for each use makes your company look more professional and helps uphold your image as a quality vendor.

Third, decide what information your brochure is transmitting, and what action you want your customers to take after reading your brochure. Are you introducing a new product? Making an intitial customer contact? Your approach will be different depending on your intent. Ask customer to complete the next step and provide the with the information that they’ll need to take that step.

With this information in hand, you’ll be prepared to develop brochures that are effective and accomplish specific goals. Planning these aspects of your brochure will keep it from becoming just another pretty piece of junk mail!

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