October 6, 2007

Marketing Newsletter

Creating a marketing newsletter for your business is one of the best ways to maintain the attention of your customers in between purchases, making sure that your information is at the ready the next time they need it.

A marketing newsletter can be defined as a regular update sent out to your customer list that offers insights and updates as well as promotions that they will find valuable. Not only can you give them information about changes in the products that you offer, but let them know about upcoming sales that will save them money. In this way, you can not only offer them a deal but push the products that you need to get rid of.

Marketing newsletters can also assist your customers in staying on top of the field or industry that you specialize in. For example, if you sell computer supplies, then your marketing newsletter might include a feature article about how to use a new product or how to manipulate one of the rarely used features on one of your top products. Teaching your customer valuable lessons makes your business more than just a supplier but something that gives them a leg up on their competition or in their work place.

In the same way, if you offer a service or products that apply to a hobby, then information you have to offer also provides value. It also has the added benefit of keeping your business at the forefront of your customers mind. With a hobby, unlike a computer supply store, your customer doesn't 'need' your products or services. They are a luxury, and so to remind your customer that she needs to repurchase what you have to offer, it is essential to keep reminding her what you have to offer. With a marketing newsletter, you can easily accomplish this.

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