May 10, 2007

Enhance Consumer Contact using a Custom Printed Product Sheet

A custom printed product sheet is the second line of customer communication since the custom printed product sheet describes all of the technical aspects of the product in much more detail that can any other kind of printed advertisement. Customers generally do not read the custom printed product sheet unless they are already interested in purchasing the product, so customer printed product sheets do not have to be as flashy as brochures and leaflets. The purpose of the custom printed product sheet is to inform, not grab attention.

A good custom printed product sheet typically opens with an in depth description of the product. If the product is technical in nature, the opening will often discuss performance characteristics of the device and give some hard numbers that demonstrate device performance. Pictures and charts or graphs are typically included in the custom printed product sheet and serve to enhance the written communication section.

The closing section of a custom printed product sheet is used to list all of the relevant technical details that are not available anywhere else yet are necessary in helping the customer decided if the product is something they wish to purchase. This section of the custom printed product sheet is typically presented in tabular format.

Using a custom printed product sheet is necessary because it provides interested consumers information at a level of detail they need to make their final decision on whether or not to purchase the product. A good custom printed product sheet provides a high level of detail and serves to inform rather than attract attention.

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